Browsing the blog archives for February, 2025


Security for smartphones, Facebook and on the PC Munich, March 29, 2011 social networks and smart phone apps moving increasingly targeted by hackers and Internet predators. Others including Caldwell Esselstyn Jr., offer their opinions as well. How attackers proceed and how you can protect against the new threats, CHIP Test & buy now in shows […]



Internet Marketing has changed dramatically in recent years. Swarmed by offers, Cleveland Clinic is currently assessing future choices. Today techniques to promote and sell their ideas, products, services and promotions available on the Internet, requires a growing range; multimedia features and very different capabilities. Below is a list of some of the techniques and approaches […]


Fiscal Deficit

Currently United States has a huge debt. Projections on how much more he could enlarge the debt are verdaramente a nightmare for everyone. Do you think that the situation in which Americans find themselves is really bad? It is obvious that great changes are guarded, but the progress (or even the hope of it) is […]


European Google

On March 17, 2011 held in Madrid the second encounter with Google for the training Sector, organized by the Agency of Internet advertising: Online Marketing Marketalia and with the assistance of several specialists from the leading search engine, which attracted more than 40 executives from business schools, training centres and academies, from different parts of […]


Holiday Insurance Claims

Who maintains a family member asks is emotionally and physically strong claims on holiday is often dispensed with after it was 2010 2.4 million elderly in Germany the Federal Statistical Office and the forecast for 2030 is Pflegebedurftiger of 3.4 million. By 2050 the number should increase to 4.5 million. Often, the care is provided […]


Properties Resistance

Polycarbonate – a colorless transparent material with a softening point of 180-300 0 C (depending on the method of receipt) and a molecular weight of 50000-500000. Have high heat resistance – up to 153 0C. Heat-resistant grade (PC-HT), which are copolymers withstand temperatures up to 160-205 0C. It has high rigidity combined with very high […]


Creative Thought Advice

The creative thought is a potential with which all we are born. If you do not use that potential, is probable that she is because they do not know and they apply it the principles simple to develop it. We can put remedy to that right now. Both basic principles of the creative thought are: […]



Poetry is some not classificvel thing, but risking to make a mistake, if it can say that poetry is ‘ ‘ to be and not ser’ ‘ , since a poem, that would be the materialization of the poetry, never is what it is thought; a poem is always more. The Poetry has this characteristic: […]


Active Metabolism

He may feel he has been coaching for a long time, but the results seem to be minimal. Do you work so hard and not see great results? Maybe you need a more active metabolism. While the exercise will help you to increase your metabolism, to obtain a metabolism completely asset may have to make […]