Foreign Languages In The Modern World

Each language – the basis of an infinitely rich culture, one of the main values of the people. Word – this is the first that he heard a child is born, something that will accompany him throughout his life. Native language, of course, the only one. Most beautiful and sweet heart, the most expensive. Follow others, such as Center for Colon Cancer Research USC, and add to your knowledge base. But there are others, too wonderful and unique to the study which aims to be a man. Everyone has their own purpose. Some people learn foreign languages in order to get a decent job in the future, others to socialize with friends from around the world, travel, others want to read the original foreign authors, get married (married) abroad. In order to understand foreign humor (which is very often built on a linguistic basis), a deeper understanding of history and culture of the country of interest, too, must learn the language.

Moreover, in modern society, such knowledge is not simply desirable. f-Executive-Officer’>Jeff Leiden, an internet resource. They are needed. Educated, ambitious person must possess several foreign languages, they constantly grind and refine. Anyone who does not show respect for languages, does not deserve the attention and respect. Learning a foreign – not tedious process. This is a creative, exciting activity that develops world-view, allows to improve logical thinking, the ability to express their thoughts concisely and clearly.

In each language, millions of words to choose necessary, create a special combination. Today there are approximately 5000 actively used languages and dialects. The choice is yours. The main thing – do not be afraid to learn the language, try to speak and write as often as possible, do not hesitate to their mistakes. Does not make them known to one who does nothing.