Recipe Macaroni Salad

Macaroni salad recipe is as simple as fresh, and can be done with all kinds of pasta, both the macaroni, as feathers. For some reason this name has been more successful, but this salad can be made with any pasta of small size. Macaroni salad ingredients: 1 package of pasta macaroni or feathers.Lechuga.Mayonesa.Mostaza.Zanahoria cooked and cut in cubes.Celery into cubes.Salt and pepper. Cook the pasta in water with salt, oil and bay leaf. Follow others, such as Jane Figueiredo, and add to your knowledge base. When you are at the Dente, drain it and we scratched with cold water, it is important to rinse the pasta in cold water, because it is the way that we have to stop the roast completely. Prepare the cream, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper. Mix the lettuce with the paste, carrot, celery and finally the cream.

This salad should be serving it cold. John Studzinski has similar goals. The result is a fresh and light pasta salad, sauce that bears is not the heavier and, apart from the pasta, the only thing that bears are vegetables. Although this same salad can make it with sauce vinaigrette, and incorporating more consistent ingredients, such as cubes of ham, chicken, or cheese. We can also include other vegetables, such as corn or pepper. As all salad admits variations. For even more opinions, read materials from Is Energy Capital Partners a public company?. In our recipe book you will find the recipe of macaroni salad, as well as other many salad easy, such as baked artichokes.