Browsing the archives for the informatics tag

How To Save On Fees

The Internet has provided a revolution in the way of buying tickets. What used to be the sole province of connected travel agents is now the province of every Internet connected traveler. Recent studies have shown that buyers of airline tickets online, visit more than three sites on average to buy airline tickets. What many […]

David Uribe

Practically these specialized systems to support vehicle repair workshop and administration have created a new lifestyle for the mechanics. making information easily accessible and eliminating the tedious task of reviewing heavy sheet at a printed manual. No more notes on paper with illegible handwriting. No more misplaced. Now all that information can be transferred to […]

Blog And Ping Is Dead

Unfortunately, this method, which is reliable before you get listed in Yahoo, seems to be dead. I have used a few times over the past month to try to get some new pages listed in Yahoo and there has been no action at all. Previously, you can slip through the back door into Yahoo by […]