The Spine

Do you know what processes are taking place at this time in the musculoskeletal system in the body? Osteochondrosis is terrible that affects almost every tissue of spine. However, its most vulnerable area, according to doctors vertebrologists are intervertebral discs: a disease like “dry out” them, causing severe metabolic disorders, and because of this sharp decline of their shock absorbing properties. But namely the ability of the intervertebral discs of depreciation gives us the ability to walk, run, jump, run, play sports, play with children and to live a full life. With osteochondrosis is also rapidly deteriorating and state juxtaspinal muscles and ligaments, especially when exposed to stress. When back pain pain medication you take a pill and live quietly on.

But if all these violations are not ignored, not treated, and let to chance, the dehydration of the most important parts of the vertebral discs will progress, and metabolic disorders in tissues – grow. As a result, discs lose their elasticity, shrink, shrink, and not can effectively help the spine to deal with physical activity. This means that at some point, even very slight pressure on the spine can cause rupture disc and severe pain! Not surprisingly, the among all the diseases of spine degenerative disc disease is due to people not only suffer more, but the longest time. Many familiar attacks of pain in the lumbar spine in the early summer season or after exposure to cold, from which had to recover for months.