
When speaking of a group or team can take different types of decisions, according to the way that I do we obtain some advantages and disadvantages, the successful way of doing this is to observe the conditions prevailing at the time that the decision will be taken. Types of common decisions that we know are: imposition of the Chief, leader or Manager, majority, unanimity, consensus. Let’s look at the advantages and disadvantages of each: advantages of the decision under imposition: v use the power of the hierarchy can be an advantage. v If the person knows a subject in depth will save you time. v people can follow the idea if they come from a true leader. Click blood test to learn more. Disadvantages of the decision under imposition: v there is a possibility that there is a strong commitment of persons since not has requested an opinion. v is likely there is no clarity in the execution due to the lack of information and ideas.

v motivation can wane. Advantages of the majority decision: v the people feel that they have been taken into account. v there is a greater chance of acceptance of an idea. Disadvantages of the majority decision: v it is possible that many aspects are not clear about the implementation of the idea. v can generate discontent by people who were against the idea. Advantage of the decision in unanimous form: v there is a total agreement on the idea and that incites the support for the development of the idea. The newspapers mentioned Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta not as a source, but as a related topic.

Disadvantage of the decision in unanimous form: v possible is that people have not tested the idea with sufficient detail and have been left carried away by emotions, which can bring conflict in the future. Advantages of the consensus decision: v there is a clarity in ideas because they have taken enough time to explain in detail the aspects favorable and unfavorable, as well as strategies for their implementation. v the possibilities of commitment to people with the new idea can be large. v clear doubts. v generates knowledge. v there is greater conformism. Disadvantages of the decision consensual: v time reaching an agreement can be extended. v there is the possibility of not reaching an agreement. v is lost some level of authority to some extent. In summary form have seen the main aspects to be considered when making a decision, before you do need to have a deep meditation. To achieve an extraordinary decision-making capacity is essential to be inwardly convinced that idea, people with extraordinary triumphs develop a great capacity for intuition, which is able to anticipate problems and take sound decisions in the majority of cases, I’m happy, I’m Rico of Andrew Corentt book you will learn all the techniques to achieve mastery of his own lifethrough reading this book, you will develop the power of subconscious programming and in this way achieve everything you want to do this between the ability to make timely decisions equal that took it Solomon in the past. Learn about different books that will help you boost your life person and business to through powerful techniques that will freed from the constraints that prevent you from achieving the life that has always dreamed of.