Disgnostic Manual Statistical

As the customer idealizes its therapist finishes if getting passionate, however, he is one I make a mistake, and a loving and sexual relation is not good when constructed on one I make a mistake, because later the disillusionment it will be able to come of a place that was idealized beyond the account. Therefore the loving and sexual relation with customers is dissuaded. According to Calligaris (2008) we idealize our object of love to verify that we are amiable to the eyes of our proper ideals. It follows explaining three possibilities of that a therapeutic one has accepted the proposal loving of a patient, being they: the 1) pleasure of the power, the power and the necessity to demonstrate its authority enjoying of its power; 2) to marry you vary customers, one behind the other, if becoming repetitive, therefore it believes to be the solution of the problems of the customers; 3) are possible that a customer if gets passionate for its therapist without believing that it is the cure for all its males, that is, can happen a time in the life. In the chapter the five author standes out that the essential of the formation will happen after the college, or, during the studies. A part-key of the formation of a psychotherapist is the treatment which he himself if submits. For Calligaris (2008) the human being is capable to invent patologias to explain its malaises, therefore to the necessity that the therapist I will choose one ' ' fio' ' it covers it at great length to e. It is useful that the psychotherapist knows the disgnostic of the Disgnostic Manual Statistical adopted by the World-wide Organization of Health, therefore exactly that it does not prescribe psicotrpicos will go to take care of customers that make use, then the necessity to know the principles active of the remedies. .