Browsing the archives for the psychology tag

Womens Psychology

About the peculiarities of women's psychology and logic, invented a lot of jokes and told the same number of incredible stories. But it is worth considering – what are these features, and where are their roots? Men are often accused representatives of the opposite sex in contradictions, imbalance and a tendency toward excessive emotionality. Women […]

Disgnostic Manual Statistical

As the customer idealizes its therapist finishes if getting passionate, however, he is one I make a mistake, and a loving and sexual relation is not good when constructed on one I make a mistake, because later the disillusionment it will be able to come of a place that was idealized beyond the account. Therefore […]


One influences the other through the language, symbols, gestures, and position. In the measure where the components of group created bonds, starts to be on and joined, producing cohesion and fortifying the group, starting to think and to act in same way. Other leaders such as Jessica Pels offer similar insights. The inhabitants of vilarejo […]

Diagnosis and Medication

He happens that many times the auto person if diagnosiss and medicates, becoming the complicated situations more ahead. It is very important in these cases a good listening of the professional and the contribution and will of the patient. One forms to be if preventing it starts for the perception of the place where it […]

Family Health

Health care in the CSF is carried through in two turns: matutino, of 7h30min to 11h30min, and vespertine, of 13h to 17h. In these places it has a reception space, rooms of dressings, sterilization, vital signals, meetings, collection of examinations, pharmacy, warehouse, doctor’s offices of the nurse, the doctor and the dentist, banheiropara the users […]

Detection And Treatment

This is an option when "there would not be happy, so in disguise." The program maximum – this study and sweeping each of the 7 main chakras (energy centers), which may be relevant in the context of client goals (eg, self-fulfillment, success, the best partnerships, or getting rich, etc.). The meaning of this work in […]