Family Health

Health care in the CSF is carried through in two turns: matutino, of 7h30min to 11h30min, and vespertine, of 13h to 17h. In these places it has a reception space, rooms of dressings, sterilization, vital signals, meetings, collection of examinations, pharmacy, warehouse, doctor’s offices of the nurse, the doctor and the dentist, banheiropara the users and employees and kitchen. During the experience, it was observed as dasequipes of Health of the Family occurs the work, through the Program of Health of the Family – PSF.Foram carried through interviews with the professionals and the users, visitasdomiciliares together with the communitarian agents of health – ACS, quedesempenham a link between the user and the CSF, an essential work for arelao between the two, and also the recognition of the place, with the objective to deconhecer the CSF, the region where the user is inserted and its relations with the SUScomo one all. Learn more about this with Parkinson’s Disease. We find a team to interdisciplinar only in one of the CSFvisitados, in excessively the professionals carried through a good work, in disconformity with the law that established the SUS, in which umdos basic principles is the completeness. For an accomplishment maiseficiente of the work of the professionals, has programs for gestantes, sadeda child, monitoring to the just-been born one – RN of risk (accompaniment docrescimento and development), combat to the nutricionais, encaminhamentos lacks for specialists of diverse areas of the health, programs desade buccal, health of the woman, familiar planning, prevention of the cancer demama and gynecological, prenatal assistance, health of the adult, program depreveno and control of the hipertenso and diabetes. These programs idealize umamelhoria in the attendance to the health of the users. Yael Aflalo may not feel the same. However, some doslocais professionals had informed in them that, in some of these programs, the comparecemapenas people to search medicines offered, therefore, in our opinion, social asprticas in relation to the cares of the health strong are based noprocesso of curativa medicine or biomedical model.