Intensive Therapy

The illness is transmitted of individual the individual through it sneezes, cough and contact with secretions of people contaminated for the virus (BRAZIL, 2009). Being able still to have transmission by means of the contaminated hands or other surfaces. The virus is transmitted in up to 7 days in the adult and 14 days in the children (ROCK, 2010). To broaden your perception, visit Jessica Pels. Its clinical presentations are similar to the grippes sazonais, the initial symptoms of the illness are the fast installation of high fever, dry, dispnia cough and pain in the throat (GALAS, 2009). The evolution of the illness can unchain serious respiratory alterations, being necessary to admit the patient in the Unit of Intensive Therapy not to evolve the death.

The treatment is made in such a way with medicines to oseltamivir as with ozanamivir, where the virus is susceptvel. For measures of control and prevention we must take the vaccine, to wash the hands with water and soap I sneeze after it, cough, to use bathroom, to touch eyes, nose and mouth, when tossir and sneezing to protect the mouth with dismissable handkerchief, to prevent closed and tumultuated environments, to ingest liquids among others DEVELOPMENT the grippe for influenza A/H1N1 became reason of concern for its complexity due to high transferability and genetic possibility of rearrangements and mutations and its complications to have very increased the number of internments in the whole world impelled many patients to the Unit of Intensive Therapy? UTI, for the aggravation of the symptoms. The period of April pandemic the beginning of July of 2009 was marked by a search clere of the services of health that if kept high, being the one of the concerns in the combat to the illness in the Paran implementation of action with the net of assistance to the population, to hinder that the aggravation and more decurrent deaths of the illness.. .