Browsing the archives for the Holidays tag

April Fools

April Fool's joke referred to the works of many Russian writers and poets of the late XVIII century. The tradition of celebrating April Fools' Day has come and to this day. April 1 was yet another excuse to raise mood themselves and others, to laugh at jokes, and, of course, to present and receive fun […]

Mother Nature

And let at any age has its victories and downs, but there is always a "start" and "finish". 30-years old is exactly the kind of "start" in life to further exploits. On tradition, adopted by the ancient Greeks, the birthday boy was surrounded by only the closest people and how good they wanted and gave, […]

Angry Baker

Submit this delicacy cold, without any sauces, but always with a cake and eat it for breakfast. (Source: jessica Pels). Thin crispy cake is definitely the queen of tandoor. There is a legend according to which the Emir of Bukhara, once tasted surprisingly delicious cakes Samarkand, Bukhara, ordered to deliver the best in Samarkand Baker […]