Browsing the archives for the insurance & pension tag

Credit Comparisons

Before you signed an insurance contract or completes a credit, you should inform himself only once wide ranging, which offers on the market are finding the Internet a big help can be comparison when comparing insurance or a credit. With a little research, free comparison possibilities are found quickly. ALS Act is actively involved in […]

Private Health Insurance Continues

Even after health-care reform the Exchange in which private health insurance remains simple for self-employed and voluntarily legally insured even after health-care reform remains a change in private health insurance without any problems. Nothing has changed in the General entry requirements. However, different conditions apply depending on the type of employment. Self-employed persons can always […]

Health Care Reform

Current information about health-care reform in operational redundancies get usually a compensation workers. Will be paid this compensation only for the loss of employment, it is not subject to social insurance contribution. Exception: I assured himself after leaving the company voluntarily in the statutory health insurance continue. Then – and only then – contributions levied […]