Womens Psychology

About the peculiarities of women's psychology and logic, invented a lot of jokes and told the same number of incredible stories. But it is worth considering – what are these features, and where are their roots? Men are often accused representatives of the opposite sex in contradictions, imbalance and a tendency toward excessive emotionality. Women appear to respond to the accusations against the men in the dry, moderation and overindulgence affairs "world scale". Try to figure out who's right. According to research conducted in groups of infants two months of age, boys are most interested in moving objects, which can be touch, catch, hold in their hands. Girls are the same for the most part, focused their views on the faces of the people conducting the study.

That is, if boys are more often the instinct of a hunter, conqueror of the outside world, girls initially choose the role of contemplative, allowing to explore and understand other people. That is what explains the interest in the roles women to other people's lives: how they live, what joy, what sad, that is, the information that men are often called "women's gossip and rumors." The desire to learn about the features of the lives of others and share your own story has little to do with women's banal curiosity. The woman initially configured to openness, understanding the world of another person and that she seemed to also open itself to others. The ability to empathize and share their own experiences allows a woman to easily erase the boundaries between inner worlds of different people – this is the most important difference from the male of female psychology.